Thursday, July 7, 2011

There's Been A Lot...

There's been a lot on my mind lately.
I haven't written in a long time, and I'm going to start doing so again.
This is going to be where you can read all about me. Instead of me bitching on twitter and having people complain about me, I'll just do it here. One solid place where you can either read all of it or none of it. The choice is yours. No, I do not have a follow button. I will post links to twitter, facebook and my website if you're truly interested in my life. If you have something to say, say it to my face. Not through a text, not through the internet. In person, standing in front of me. I'm sick of fake ass people who will talk only when they need something from you or they expect something out of you. I'm sick of people who can't keep promises to you or that have said one thing, but completely mean another and you don't know it until later. I'm sick of the liars; the people playing with my heart; the people who take advantage of me. I am not a fucking chew toy. You can't just play with me until I break or you get sick of me. And no, this isn't directed at one person, it's directed at multiple. Don't go assuming shit. I know I'm a fine one to talk but seriously, I'm over it. I know when something is directed towards me and when it isn't.

To those I disappeared on last night, I'm sorry. I got all your messages, don't worry. I'm not ignoring you.

Have you ever gotten the feeling that you've lost something special to you and you know you're never going to get it back? You know that there's no hope at all for retrieving said thing, especially when it is something close to your heart? Have you ever felt alone, in a room full of people, and all you can think about is nothing but that thing? There are times that I just need to be alone to clear my head, so I'll disappear for an hour or so. I'm alive. I'm well. Don't worry. I can take care of myself for the most part.
Have you ever felt like the weight of the world is just too much for you to handle sometimes? That everyone in the universe is out to get you, or wants you dead? Is it really all worth it? Is everything you do in this life worth the risk?

"If we're all born to die and we all die to live than what's th epoint of living life if it just contradicts?"
-Falling In Reverse