Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday, I'm In Love.

Definitely the slowest day in the work world. You have everything, yet, nothing to do all day and time just ticks by as if you were counting it. It sucks. Listening to music or writing blogs don't even help make the time go by faster.
Jeremy says he wants the 4 of us to go to dinner again... Let's try not to get kicked out of any place that we go please. I swear when those boys are together it's like a recipe for madness among other things. In a good way; I guess. They're fun to be around, at times. Can't complain really.

Short one today; but have a great weekend, and see you all on Monday.

-Koral Dawn

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Today started off interesting. Boss had me do these new Form Letters to clients, which is cool because they're automatically generated but I had to fix a bunch of things on them too and such. Fixed my computer that like crashed for no reason as soon as I got into work. Was barely at my desk this morning...
Jim then decides to tell me to buy these cameras for hockey which look and seem cool.. so I got one for myself for some reason. Idk why, but I like things. Haha. Now we need cards for them -_- blah.

Phone bill came in today also. It was like UNDER 200 and I nearly jumped for joy haha. It hasn't been under 200 in a few months and I'm happy. :)

Heating went down this month which is cool, electric wasn't that much surprisingly considering the fact I have 3 guys in my house every weekend on their Xboxes almost the entire time playing through all hours of the night haha. Doesn't bother me... I just like my sleep so I close my door and hope the cats don't need to pee in the middle of the night if they get trapped in there.
She doesn't like to be woken either :)

This one's a different story... haha.

I'm finally getting a chance to sit and eat lunch after running to the store yet again on lunch to get a bunch of things I didn't feel like carrying last night when it was dark out. I spend too much money these days, and somehow still have enough to pay for insurance and other things. What we need right now are a washer and dryer so I don't have to drag myself down to the place on a Sunday to do laundry.... it kind of sucks and is expensive in a way. 

Anyway; back to work now I guess. I don't wanna but I have to.
I leave you with this little video:

-Koral Dawn

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

After all, I'm Not Afraid of Dying.

I've been listening to a lot of different music lately... pop, punk, rap, hip-hop, metal, etc; but I will never, EVER, stop listening to my favorite band in the entire world.
Iron Maiden, easily my favorite band that I have seen live, met, and known. They always sell out wherever they go, put on an amazing show and always to know how to make a night spectacular for any age group.

Bruce Dickinson. Bruce Bruce Bruce. Possibly one of the greatest men in music.
You can see his full biography HERE and read up all about him.
Did you know his first name is really Paul? Didn't think so.

Anyway, enjoy some music while you're at it. :)

"I don't like being recognized, I have no interest in being famous at all; I just do what I do. If I could be like Captain Kirk and beam myself up and beam myself down I would!" - Bruce Dickinson

-Koral Dawn

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day.

Haha fooled you.
I'm not going to rant about today because it's pointless.
Instead; a few videos!

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Dreaded Monday.

And so the dreaded Monday arrives.
Everyone always talks about how much they hate them blahblahblah. Well really, It's Friday you should hate.
If you work a full-time job and are anticipating the weekend's events, Fridays always just drag on for what seems like forever and a day. Mondays... they FLY by nowadays and it's making the new day to hate Fridays.

Anyway, here are a bunch of Monday pictures that I love to share on my business' site on facebook.

-Koral Dawn