Friday, January 28, 2011

Day Three.

Your Parents.

I love my parents. They divorced when I was about 6 years old I think, no one ever told me, nor do I really care to ask. I was a mistake, and I don't care too much for my childhood really. I always got treated unfairly amongst other children. I have lived with my mom for over 13 years now, so I've never lived with a male person in my life except for when my boyfriend comes to stay with me. I haven't seen my dad in over 9 years either. He lives over 600 miles away from me; and he doesn't make it appoint to ever come and try and see me. He always wants me to go there. But... I haven't gotten a birthday or Christmas gift from him in over 10 years; why should I waste money to go see him when he can't even send me anything? That's how I see it, and I know it's mean and shit, but I can't do something for him when he hasn't done anything for me in years. I do miss him, however, a lot. I talk to him on the phone occasionally. We've gotten closer in the past few years then we ever were in our lives, which I guess can be a good thing. I just need to basically... meet my father. I feel like when I see him; it will be like meeting him for the first time in my life since I really don't remember him at all. I wish I did though. I love him. Now my mom on the other hand.. I've been living with her forever; and we get on each others nerves way too much. I just recently moved out and to college, and let me tell you, a tremendous weight has been lifted off my shoulders, you have no fucking idea. Don't get me wrong, I love her too, but for once in my life I feel independent and things are never going to be the same when I move back home after college or go home for summers. I don't know what to expect when I go home now for the first time that I've been away... So much freedom here and then I'll be basically tied to the bed when I go back for summers... I'm not sure I can go back to that again. I wish I had enough to move out and be on my own finally. One day soon though, I'm hoping I can do that, maybe move in with my best friend after college like we're planning and start a life and work. My mom is super strict, and she shouldn't be... but she is. And I guess that's what makes me not want to go home ever.