Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day Five. Also, A Rant.

Your Definition of Love.

Well isn't this the kind of perfect one for today. I think so, atleast. My definition of love... Well, I'll start off by saying this: I am in love, currently. I know what love feels like, I know what it does to people, and I know how much it can hurt people. Love means being faithful. Love means never cheating on the other. Love is something that is not just given; you need to stumble upon it, you need to fall, you need to be sure that you want to be with that person for as long as life lets you be. Love isn't something I take lightly. When someone says it to me when we are in a relationship, my heart just flutters and feels like it's actually beating again. I'm not one who can live in misery my whole life like some others. I would do anything for happiness sometimes, and I think that's what always kills me. I think I try too hard to be happy and make other people happy that in return I get let down. Love is something that I have found to be very confusing and very... manipulative. If you love someone, tell the world. Tell everyone you know. Because if you truly love that person, true friends will be happy for you. And although they may not show it, or be jealous, deep down inside, they feel happy for you that you're happy. Love means bragging about what you have. Both parties should do it, not just one of you. If only one of you brags to the world, then it's not true, true love. You both have to be madly, deeply in love for others to be jealous. I personally like when other people are jealous, because then I know I've got something good and I'll never want to lose it or give it up to anyone else. Love doesn't mean ignoring the person when a problem arises, rather, talking it out so it doesn't happen again. The more you ignore an issue, the more it will happen and the more and more times it will be harder to ignore those issues until it finally ends in heart-break. Love means always talking out your problems, no matter how silly, serious, stupid or lame they are. Love can be a disease. Once you've caught the disease, it can be hard to make it disappear. However, love can also be beautiful. When you've found that one person that makes you truly happy; never ever let them go. Through thick and thin, bad times and good; love will always be the best moments in your life, whether they are worth remembering or not. Remember that love can be painful. It can destroy lives. But with the right person, you can be swept off your feet, and fall in love all over again. That's what happened to me, and I have never been happier. 
This is Jim. I love him.